Complete CV

Current position

• University of São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil

   Postdoctoral Fellow

   August 2022 – January 2024

Professional appointments


• University of São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil
   Lab Manager

   August 2021 - July 2022

• Federal Institute of Education Science and Technology, São Roque, SP, Brazil
   Adjunct Professor on Biological Sciences (undergraduate and high school levels)

   September 2020 - February 2021

• University of São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil
   Lab Manager

   September 2019 - August 2020


  • Member of the Proceedings B Preprint Editorial Team
  • Reviewer for Behavioural Processes (2023), Ecological Complexity (2022), Oecologia Australis (2022) and Hydrobiologia (2021).
  • Grant reviewer for Animal Behavior Society (ABS) - ABS Student Research Grant 2022 and ABS Student Research & Developing Nations Grants 2023

Science outreach

  • Member of Voyeur de Animais Coloridos, a science outreach initiative focused on animal behavior and sexual selection [Portuguese]. [Link
  • Author of SexNews, a science outreach blog about sexual selection research [Portuguese]. [Link
  • Edtorial board member at HerpetoCapixaba, a science outreach site focused in herpetological natural history and conservation [Portugese]. [Link]

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